Director General of International Labor Organization Training Center (ITC-ILO) met with Iran’s deputy minister of cooperatives, labor and social welfare for international affairs.
Kessel told Hosseini that “the center is ready to implement the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between Iran and Italy.”
In the meeting between Kessel expressed satisfaction about the cooperation between ILO and Iran’s ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, and Hosseini regarded the signed MoU between the two sides as significant and stated that “we must provide the necessary conditions to implement this MoU as soon as possible.”
Hosseini went on saying that “the ministry is committed to increase the training of its managers and experts in all necessary fields. As a result, we intend to provide more comprehensive courses than what has been already predicted in Turin center.”
He also proposed that a program to be developed to promote virtual trainings and utilizing the facilities of Turin center.
Turin delegation will visit training centers affiliated with the ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare during their two-day stay in Iran and discuss the necessary issues. At the end, the training package that has been agreed upon by the two sides will be developed based on conducted evaluations.
ILO is the most important training institution in the field of occupation and provides required training for implementation of fundamental conventions, Social Security calculations, technical and vocational education, labor relations, occupational safety and health, and employment and entrepreneurship.
With the Memorandum of Cooperation between Iran and Turin’s training center, training collaborations between the two sides will increase dramatically.
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